Opy Health Acquires Novo Metropolitano S/A Concessionaire
Opy Health, a healthcare investment division of IG4 Capital, announces the acquisition of Novo Metropolitano S/A concessionaire. The event marking the transfer of 49.9 percent of Gocil and Vivante shareholding was held online on April 4, 2020, in compliance with social distancing measures. The event was held through video conference, and the amounts and documents were digitally transferred and signed.
With the transaction, Opy Health is the shareholder of 100 percent of the concessionaire’s shares. The concessionaire offers full administrative and operational support to Dr. Célio de Castro Metropolitan Hospital (HMDCC), in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, in areas such as cleaning, food, reception, security, internal logistics, among others.
This is the second acquisition of the company, which had already acquired 50.1 percent of the shares of the same concessionaire in February 2020. HMDCC operates through SUS (Brazilian Unified Healthcare System) only, and the public-private partnership will be in force for 20 years (until 2035), with the possibility of being extended for 15 additional 15.
In addition to its recent acquisition in Belo Horizonte, Opy Health is expected to announce, in the first semester of the year, a new asset to the platform. “Opy Health brings to the healthcare sector its broad experience in providing public services under concession, business structuring and restructuring, corporate strategy and regulatory management, allowing the medical staff to channel their efforts into ensuring more effective healthcare to patients”, adds Otávio Silveira, Opy Health CEO.