OZN Health builds a kennel to house street dogs living in the surroundings of Delphina Aziz Hospital
“We Take Care of Our Pets” is a social project created to improve the welfare and safety of the community, and hospital users and patients
OZN Health, the concessionaire managing non-medical services at Delphina Rinaldi Abdel Aziz Hospital, has launched a social project called “We Take Care of Our Pets”. To improve the welfare and safety of the community, and hospital users and patients, OZN Health has built a kennel to house street dogs that lived in the hospital surroundings.
“Building a kennel was one way we found of taking care of the community where the hospital is located, as well as to promote the safety and welfare of our patients and users. Some of the stray dogs that lived in the vicinity of Delphina Hospital were sick. Now they are well-treated and fed regularly, they are seen by veterinarians and have proper leisure time”, says the OZN Health’s CEO, Thiago Python.
The initiative was launched because OZN Health was struggling to find reliable NGOs that would accept the dogs. The kennel was built in a place near the hospital parking lot and houses six dogs. “We Take Care of Our Pets” project provides individual doghouses, food on a regular basis, veterinary care and a sand box for them to play.
“We believe we can change the quality of healthcare in Brazil by showing respect and commitment to the community, as well as transparence and effective operational management. OZN Health works towards achieving those goals”, concludes Python.
Learn more about the project at: https://youtu.be/qOBBCISo-9M