Close, humane, and effective management.
More innovation and technology.
Using healthcare resources wisely brings us closer to our purpose: working to provide access to high-quality healthcare services for more Brazilians.
Infrastructure as a service
A unique combination of hospital infrastructure management and non-medical services.
In addition to infrastructure management – established through long-term contracts – Opy Health provides administrative and operational support in areas such as cleaning, food, front desk, security, and internal logistics, among others, while the hospital operator can focus on its expertise: medical services. Efficient healthcare allied with first-class operational support is provided at a lower cost to the business partner.

Public Sector (PPP)
We participate in the administrative concession of public hospitals through PPPs (Public-Private Partnerships) and we are responsible for building facilities and providing non-medical services in partnership with the Public Sector. This model ensures more effective asset management of hospital structures, ongoing modernization of facilities and equipment, as well as enhanced quality standards for services provided to medical staff and patients.
Private and Philanthropic Sector
A pioneering model in the Brazilian market, our main goal is to provide superior efficiency to private hospital assets through flexible contract modalities. While hospital operators have their autonomy preserved in terms of medical care, Opy Health is responsible for hospital infrastructure and non-medical services, ensuring the satisfaction of patients and users of the operators.Pioneer in the country in the provision of non-medical services associated with hospital infrastructure, operating in a segment with great potential for expansion.

A platform that offers a single contract for non-medical services at a lower cost.

The only strategic partner that offers alternatives for hospitals to grow in terms of competitiveness and to develop their activities without giving up control, governance, and medical care.

Offer of non-medical and technological solutions allied to facilities management and maintenance, which enables hospitals to dilute their costs and gain efficiency based on a business model that has already been successfully adopted in international markets.

Expertise in managing institutions by optimizing the interface between medical and non-medical services.

Accumulated knowledge in the operational management of reference public hospitals, with more than 992 beds, being 180 ICU beds.

Compliance with all standards and the highest excellence in the provision of non-medical services.

Capacity and availability to invest in expansion, real estate, equipment modernization, and technology.

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